Thanks Shawn.

All participating cloud nodes are running Tomcat and as you suggested will review the number of threads and increase them as needed.

Essentially, what I have noticed was that two of four nodes caught up with "bulk" updates instantly while other two nodes took almost 3 hours to completely in sync with "leader". I have "tickled" other nodes by sending an update thinking that it would initiate the replication but not sure if that caused other two nodes to eventually catch up.

On similar note, I was using "CouncurrentUpdateSolrServer" directly pointing to leader to bulk load Solr cloud. I have configured the chunk size and thread count for the same. Is this the right practice to bulk load SolrCloud?

Also, the maximum number of connections per host parameter for "HttpShardHandler" is in solrconfig.xml I suppose?


On 8/18/15 8:28 AM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
On 8/18/2015 8:18 AM, Rallavagu wrote:
Thanks for the response. Does this cache behavior influence the delay
in catching up with cloud? How can we explain solr cloud replication
and what are the option to monitor and take proactive action (such as
initializing, pausing etc) if needed?

I don't know enough about your setup to speculate.

I did notice this exception in a previous reply:

org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for
connection from pool

I can think of two things that would cause this.

One cause is that your servlet container is limiting the number of
available threads.  A typical jetty or tomcat default for maxThreads is
200, which can easily be exceeded by a small Solr install, especially if
it's SolrCloud.  The jetty included with Solr sets maxThreads to 10000,
which is effectively unlimited except for extremely large installs.  If
you are providing your own container, this will almost certainly need to
be raised.

The other cause is that your install is extremely busy and you have run
out of available HttpClient connections.  The solution in this case is
to increase the maximum number of connections per host in the
HttpShardHandler config, which defaults to 20.

There might be other causes for that exception, but I think those are
the most common causes.  Depending on how things are set up, you have
problems with both.


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