On 8/22/2015 11:51 AM, Yago Riveiro wrote:
> My heap is about 24G an I tuned it using this link
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/ShawnHeisey#GC_Tuning_for_Solr
> Shawn updated since I use it and some configuration are not in this document
> any more.
> I see on my GC logs pauses about 6s, my index has a high index rate > 1000
> docs/s.
> I'm running java 7u25, maybe upgrading to java 8 the GC pauses reduced.
> I don't know if is safe use java 8 in production with solr ...

If I remember right, you are running SolrCloud ... which means you're on
at least 4.x.

I have not heard about any problems running Solr in Java 8, but I only
have concrete information for 4.x and later.  I've heard indirectly that
3.x does work, but I haven't confirmed that rumor.  I am running 4.9.1
on Java 8 for one of my indexes and it is working very well.

Whether you use Java 7 or 8, you should definitely use the latest
release.  OpenJDK 7 and later is good, but the Oracle version is


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