On 8/22/2015 7:31 PM, Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo wrote:
> I'm using Solr 5.2.1, and I've indexed about 1GB of data into Solr.
> However, I find that clustering is exceeding slow after I index this 1GB of
> data. It took almost 30 seconds to return the cluster results when I set it
> to cluster the top 1000 records, and still take more than 3 seconds when I
> set it to cluster the top 100 records.
> Is this speed normal? Cos i understand Solr can index terabytes of data
> without having the performance impacted so much, but now the collection is
> slowing down even with just 1GB of data.

Have you increased the heap size?  If you simply start Solr 5.x with the
included script and don't use any commandline options, Solr will only
have a 512MB heap.  This is *extremely* small.  A significant chunk of
that 512MB heap will be required just to start Jetty and Solr, so
there's not much memory left for manipulating the index data and serving
queries.  Assuming you have at least 4GB of RAM, try adding "-m 2g" to
the start commandline.


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