On 9/3/2015 9:47 PM, Arcadius Ahouansou wrote:
> Let's say we have 10 SolrJ clients all configured with
> zkhost=zk1:port,zk2:port,zk3:port
> For each of the 10 SolrJ clients, would it make a difference in term of
> load on zk1 (the server on the list) if we shuffle around the order of the
> ZK servers in zkHost or is it all the same?
> I would have thought that shuffling would lower load on zk1.

I don't think this is going to make much difference.  Here's why,
assuming that my understanding of how it all works is correct:

One of the things zookeeper does is manage elections.  It helps figure
out which member of a cluster is the leader.  I think Zookeeper uses
this concept internally, too.  One of the hosts in the ensemble will be
elected to be the leader, which accepts all input and replicates it to
the other members of the cluster.  All of the clients will be talking to
the leader first, no matter what order the hosts are listed.

If my understanding of how this works is flawed, then what I just said
is probably wrong.


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