Thank you Lucas,

You caught my point nicely and even got a clearer idea of what to do.
Sorry Solr Dev Team, but I don't there is any reasonable excuse for making
such an argument interface vs abstract class as they are complements and
don't have the same role in OOP.

Anyways, Solr is a great app. I just don't think it has the better
programming practices, but that is just me.

Let's not turn that in a flame, or big discussion.

2008/6/9 Lucas F. A. Teixeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Exactly,
> And adding the methods in the abstract class in the minor releases, and in
> the interface in major releases.
> []s,
> Lucas
> Lucas Frare A. Teixeira
> Tel: +55 11 3660.1622 - R3018
> Alexander Ramos Jardim escreveu:
>  Well,
>> There is a simple case here. I tried to update SolrJ to use the last one
>> and
>> got the application selected for test broke. So, I developed an
>> alternative
>> interface for SolrServer and a wrapper to CommonsHttpSolrServer. Altered
>> my
>> aoolication to use it and everything is working nice.
>> When you use good pratices like IoC or AOP it is preferred to program
>> interface oriented.
>> Sorry, but I find it really bad to go from an interface to a an abstract
>> class.
>> In my modest opinion, SolrServer should have both. Like SolrServer being
>> an
>> interface and AbstractSolrServer implementing it.  CommonsHttpSolrServer
>> would extend AbstractSolrServer.
>> If the dev team really thinks interfaces are an ass, I think we will have
>> problems using Solr with other advanced OO features.
>> 2008/6/7 Ryan McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> solrj was not released in 1.2, so the change is not incompatible...
>>> The rationalle for abstract class vs interface is more to do with usage
>>> and
>>> future maintenance.  If SolrServer is an interface and solr 1.4 adds
>>> methods, there is no way to make it backwards compatible -- as an
>>> abstract
>>> class, we can add a reasonable default behavior.
>>> Since SolrServer is a rather involved action, it seems like it will tend
>>> to
>>> be a standalone class.  Interfaces are great for OO clarity, but very
>>> difficult to maintain.
>>> Is there a good usage case we are not thinking of before this gets baked
>>> into 1.3?
>>> ryan
>>> On Jun 7, 2008, at 2:13 PM, Alexander Ramos Jardim wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Shouldn't SolrServer be an interface that externalizes the signatures
>>>> for
>>>> classes like CommonsHttpSolrServer, like it was in solr-1.2? Why did it
>>>> became an abstract class?
>>>> I can't see any benefit from it, as now I need to type the object as
>>>> CommonsHttpSolrServer directly.
>>>> I think it is really bad.
>>>> --
>>>> Alexander Ramos Jardim

Alexander Ramos Jardim

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