A query that works fine in Solr 4.9.1 doesn't work in 5.2.1 with the
same schema.  The field that I am grouping on does not have docValues. 
I get this exception:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: unexpected docvalues type SORTED_SET
for field 'ip' (expected=SORTED). Use UninvertingReader or index with

If I make a non-distributed request to a single shard on 5.2.1, or a
distributed request on 4.9.1, it works fine.  I created a copyField with
docvalues, and I can do grouping on that field in 5.2.1.

The original field uses KeywordTokenizerFactory, then it is lowercased. 
The copy with docValues is StrField.  I need it to be lowercased in the
groups (analyzed terms), so StrField isn't really what I'm after.

This seems like a bug.  I'm ready to file an issue in Jira, but thought
it would be a good idea to mention it here first.


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