2008/6/9 Mihails Agafonovs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi!
> Some questions:
> 1) Is it possible to make Solr to use, for example, MySQL database,
> or it only supports *.xml files as a database?

If you do that, use MySQL own full text search capabilities and not Solr, as
it is built from Lucene.

> 2) Is there a way to add data in the search database using some
> online interface, or the only way is manually adding the data in the
> *.xml files?

You should develop your own .

> 3) Is there any guide on how to implement Solr to the web-site?

Solr is easy to go. Choose your client api and begin toying with it. Good
things will come fast. :-)

>  Ar cieņu, Mihails

Alexander Ramos Jardim

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