Hi guys,
as part of a customer requirement, I need to provide an autocomplete / suggester feature. For that reason I started looking at the Suggester Component.

The target Solr version is not yet determined: I mean, there's another project in production, of the same customer, which is using Solr 4.7.1 (no SolrCloud, just a master with two slaves) so I guess they will extend those instances with additional cores, but I'm not sure about that, maybe they would like to migrate towards a new version / new architecture.

Anyway, after reading some info [1] [2] [3] about the Suggester, and after trying a bit with some sample data, I'm not sure if that fits my needs, because the proposed suggestions must follow these criteria:

 * suffix search: Vi = *Vi*terbo, *Vi*cenza, *Vi*llanova (max priority)
 * infix search: Vi = A*vi*gliano, Tar*vi*sio (medium priority)
 * fuzzy (phonetic?) search: Vitr= Viterbo, Vitorchiano (lowest
   priority, this requirement could be even removed)

 * everything could be constrained by one or more filter queries
 * each suggestion could contain (depending on the use case) up to five
   additional attributes (other than the suggestion itself), so the
   payload provided by the Suggester couldn't be enough (or it would
   require a custom encoding of such data in that field)
 * in a couple of scenarios, the search needs to be executed on several
   fields, with different boosts (e.g. description, address, code) and
   the corresponding suggestions come from another field (e.g. name)
 * I don't have any incremental / delta indexing issue, the whole
   dataset is not huge, a couple of millions of database records, with
   a low grow rate, and I can recreate everything from scratch using
   the DIH

Do you think this is something for the built-in Suggester? Or is this something that it's better to implement with a RequestHandler with something like (e)dismax and ngramming?

Many thanks in advance

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Suggester
[2] http://lucidworks.com/blog/solr-suggester/
[3] http://alexbenedetti.blogspot.it/2015/07/solr-you-complete-me.html

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