Thanks Shawn. I accidentally copied some files from my previous version other 
than my javasctipt files. You were right.

Thanks , Roland

Az iPhone-omról küldve

2015. szept. 26. dátummal, 19:00 időpontban Shawn Heisey <> 

>> On 9/26/2015 8:31 AM, Szűcs Roland wrote:
>> I downloaded the latest version of solr to my computer. When I started
>> solr as a standalone proccess on the default port two strange things
>> happened:
>> 1. I got an error message : Failed to parse command line arguments due
>> to: Unrecognized option: -maxWaitSecs. I did not use any argumet when I
>> saterted solr just the start command
>> 2. When I go tothe localhost in the webbrowser I saw the attached
>> picture. It shows that I am running version 5.2.1, although al the
>> enviromental variable is reffered to a subdirectory of the 5.3.1
>> installation.
> It sounds like you upgraded your install from 5.2.1 to 5.3.0 by copying
> things into the same directory, and when you started it, the solr.war
> from 5.2.1 was expanded, overwriting the 5.3.0 webapp.  Solr 5.3.0 does
> not include a .war file ... the webapp comes pre-expanded, with a
> different context fragment file to use the webapp directly.  If the
> context fragment (in server/contexts) points to a .war file from a
> previous version, this might happen.
> Exactly how to fix your install will depend on exactly what was done for
> the upgrade ... you might be better off installing the new version into
> a separate directory and switching from one to the other.  You're on
> Windows, so you don't have the install script as an option, which would
> have taken care of this problem by installing into a separate directory.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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