I backed up a bit. I took the stock solr download and did this:

solr-5.3.1>$ bin/solr -e techproducts

So, no SolrCloud, default example config, about as basic as you get. I
didn’t even bother indexing any docs. Then I issued this query:


This still causes an insert into the filterCache.

The only real difference I’m noticing vs my solrcloud collection is that
repeating the query increments cache lookups and hits. It’s still odd
though, because issuing new distinct queries causes a reported insert, but
not a lookup, so the cache hit ratio is always exactly 1.

On 10/2/15, 4:18 AM, "Toke Eskildsen" <t...@statsbiblioteket.dk> wrote:

>On Thu, 2015-10-01 at 22:31 +0000, Jeff Wartes wrote:
>> It still inserts if I address the core directly and use distrib=false.
>It is quite strange that is is triggered with the direct access. If that
>can be reproduced in test, it looks like a performance optimization to
>be done.
>Anyway, operating under the assumption that the single-core facet
>request for some reason acts as a distributed call, the key to avoid the
>fine-counting is to ensure that _all_ possibly relevant term counts has
>been returned in the first facet phase.
>Try setting both facet.mincount=0 and facet.limit=-1.
>- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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