
I have following conf for filters and commits :

Concurrent LFU Cache(maxSize=64, initialSize=64, minSize=57,
acceptableSize=60, cleanupThread=false, timeDecay=true, autowarmCount=8,

       <!-- Every 15 seconds -->

       <!-- Every 10 minutes -->

and the following stats for filters:

lookups = 3602
hits  =  3148
hit ratio = 0.87
inserts = 455
evictions = 400
size = 63
warmupTime = 770

*Problem: *a lot of slow queries, for example:

desc&fq={!cost=1 cache=true}type_s:Product AND is_valid_b:true&fq={!cost=50
cache=false}(shipping_country_codes_mt: (DE OR EURO OR EUR OR ALL)) AND
(cents_ri: [* 3000])&rows=36&wt=json} hits=3768003 status=0 QTime=1378

I could increase the size of the filter so I would decrease the amount of
evictions, but it seems to me this would not be solving the root problem.

Some ideas on where/how to start for optimisation ? Is it actually normal
that this query takes this time ?

We have an index of ~14 million docs. 4 replicas with two cores and 1 shard

thank you.


Lorenzo Fundaro
Backend Engineer
E-Mail: lorenzo.fund...@dawandamail.com

Fax       + 49 - (0)30 - 25 76 08 52
Tel        + 49 - (0)179 - 51 10 982

DaWanda GmbH
Windscheidstraße 18
10627 Berlin

Geschäftsführer: Claudia Helming, Michael Pütz
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 104695 B

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