Hi all,

My use case is that I have to calculate the LIX readability index for my

*LIX = A/B + (C x 100)/A*, where

*A* = Number of words
*B* = Number of periods (defined by period, colon or capital first letter)
*C* = Number of long words (More than 6 letters)

A can easily be done if the index size does not matter as I define a filed
in the schema without stemming and stop word elimination and use the term
vector compnent. I can calculate all the words, I can calculate easily the
number of long words also.
The only missin component is B.

Does anybody have idea how to get the number of "periods"?


<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/roland-sz%C5%B1cs/28/226/24/hu>Roland Szűcs
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