: I am getting problems running Solr-1.3-trunk with multicores.
: My multicore.xml file is:
: <multicore adminPath="/admin/multicore" persistent="true" sharedLib="lib">
:     <core name="idxArticle" instanceDir="idxArticle"
: dataDir="idxArticle/data" />
:     <core name="idxItem" instanceDir="idxItem" dataDir="idxItem/data"
: default="true" />
: </multicore>
: I have solr.home pointing the directory containing it.

what exactly is that directory?  what does "ls -al" in that direcory show 

what UID is weblogic running as?

when you first start up your servlet container, you should see an INFO log 
message that starts with "looking for multicore.xml" -- what does it say?   
what do the log messages arround it (before and after it) say?

what messages are logged before you get this exception?

: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in
: classpath or '/var/opt/subacatalog/core/conf/',

what is "/var/opt/subacatalog/core/" ? (is that your solr.home? the 
directory that multicore.xml is in?)


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