FWIW - I have no problem with the change.



----- Original Message ----
From: Walter Underwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 11:38:27 AM
Subject: Re: Seeking Feedback: non back compat for Java API of 3 
FilterFactories in 1.3?

We use it out of the box. Our extensions are new filters or new
request handlers, all configured through the XML files.


On 6/13/08 11:15 AM, "Chris Hostetter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Solr Developers would like some feedback from the user community
> regarding some changes that have been made to StopFilterFactory,
> SynonymFilterFactory, and EnglishProterFilterFactory since Solr 1.2 which
> breaks backwards compatibility in situations where client Java code
> directly construction and initializes instances of these classes.
> These changes do *NOT* affect Solr users who use Solr "out of the box".
> The only people who might possibly be impacted by these changes are users
> who write custom Java code using the Solr APIs and directly construct
> instances (instead of getting them from an IndexSchema object) using
> code such as this....
>          StopFilterFactory f = new StopFilterFactory()
> f.init(new Map<String,String());
>          // now do something with f
> If this does not apply to you, you can safely ignore this thread.
> If this does apply to you, please review SOLR-594 and the mailing list
> threads linked to from that issue and let us know (either by replying to
> this thread, or by posting a comment in the Jira issue) what you think
> about the proposed "solution" -- Documenting that when upgrading to Solr
> 1.3, any custom code like this would need to be changed like so...
>          StopFilterFactory f = new StopFilterFactory()
>          f.init(new Map<String,String());
>          f.inform(SolrCore.getSolrCore().getSolrConfig().getResourceLoader());
>          // now do something with f
> Of the options available, it is our belief that this is: 1) the simplest
> approach; 2) benefits the majority of users automaticly; 3) adversely
> affects the fewest number of people; 4) affects those people in a
> relatively small way (requiring one new line of code).  But we do want
> to verify that the number of people affected is in fact relatively small.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-594
> Thanks.
> -Hoss

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