: When I do the search vio*, I get the correct results, but no highlighting.

this is because for "prefix" queries solr use an PrefixFilter 
that is garunteed to work (no matter how many docs match) instead of a 
PrefixQuery (which might generate an exception, but can be highlighted)

see SOLR-195 for background and discussion, and SOLR-218 for discussion 
about ways to introduce config options for things like this (letting 
people who would rather use PrefixQuery instead of PrefixFilter so they 
can get highlighting at the possible risk of a TooManyClauses exception)

: When I search lu*n I get the correct results with highlighting.

becuase this uses a WildcardQuery which doesn't have the same "safety net" 
as PrefixFilter.

: When I search l*n, I get a 500 Internal Server Error.

...probably because it generates a TooManyClauses Exception like i was 
describing (the full stack trace will tell you -- check your logs).  the 
limit is configurable in solrconfig.xml using <maxBooleanClauses/> but the 
bigger you make it, the more RAM you'll need for it to work (and the more 
likely you'll trigger an OutOfMemory exception)


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