Hi all,

I have a working suggester compnenet and requesthandler in my Solr 5.2.1
instance. It is working as I expected but I need a solution which handles
multiple query terms "correctly".

I have string field title. Let's see the following case:
title 1: Green Apple Color
title 2: Apple the master of innovation
title 3: Apple the master of presentation.
Using Edgengramm minsize3 for the copy of the string title field I get the
suggest.q=''Appl", all documents are matched , fine.

suggest.q=''Apple inno", all documents are matched, wrong as the user
expectation is to have only title 2 matched

Is there any way to make the suggester component smarter to handle multi
term queries as user expect. AnalyzingInfixLookupFactory was a great
improvement to handle terms not only from the beginning of the expressions
but from the middle or the end.

I think if we can apply "AND" relationship among the multi-terms query
match like in case of normal queries it can help.

Any idea is appreciated
<https://www.linkedin.com/pub/roland-sz%C5%B1cs/28/226/24/hu>Szűcs Roland
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