Hi Zheng,
just curiousity, because shortly I will have to deal with a similar
scenario (Solr 5.3.1 + large documents + highlighting).
Which highlighter are you using?


2015-12-04 16:51 GMT+01:00 Zheng Lin Edwin Yeo <edwinye...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I'm using Solr 5.3.0
> I found that in large documents, sometimes I face situation that when I do
> a highlight query, the resultset that is returned does not contain the
> highlighted query. There are actually matches in the documents, but just
> that they located further back in the documents.
> I have tried to increase the value of the hl.maxAnalyzedChars, as the
> default value is 51200, and I have documents that are much larger than
> 51200 characters. Although this method works, but, when I increase this
> value, the performance of the search and highlight drops. It can drop from
> less than 0.5 seconds to more than 10 seconds.
> Would like to check, is this method of increasing the value of the
> hl.maxAnalyzedChars the best method to use, or is there other ways which
> can solve the same purpose, but without affecting the performance much?
> Regards,
> Edwin

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