On 12/14/2015 10:49 AM, Tom Evans wrote:
> When I tried this in SolrCloud mode, specifying
> "-Dsolr.data.dir=/mnt/solr/" when starting each node, it worked fine
> for the first collection, but then the second collection tried to use
> the same directory to store its index, which obviously failed. I fixed
> this by changing solrconfig.xml in each collection to specify a
> specific directory, like so:
>   <dataDir>${solr.data.dir:}products</dataDir>
> Looking back after the weekend, I'm not a big fan of this. Is there a
> way to add a core.properties to ZK, or a way to specify
> core.baseDatadir on the command line, or just a better way of handling
> this that I'm not aware of?

Since you're running SolrCloud, just let Solr handle the dataDir, don't
try to override it.  It will default to "data" relative to the
instanceDir.  Each instanceDir is likely to be in the solr home.

With SolrCloud, your cores will not contain a "conf" directory (unless
you create it manually), therefore the on-disk locations will be *only*
data, there's not really any need to have separate locations for
instanceDir and dataDir.  All active configuration information for
SolrCloud is in zookeeper.


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