Hmmm, take a look at the individual queries on a shard, i.e. peek at
the Solr logs and see if the fq clause comes through cleanly when you
see &distrib=false. I suspect this is just a glitch in assembling the
debug response. If it is, it probably deserves a JIRA. In fact it
deserves a JIRA in either case I think.

I don't see anything obvious, but your statement "when the caches are
cold" points to autowarming as your culprit. What to you have set up
for autowarming in your caches? And do you have any newSearcher or
firstSearcher events defined?


On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:50 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> Here is the query URL that I did.  The info included in this message is
> slightly redacted.
> Sent to a set of production servers running 4.9.1 (when the caches are
> cold), this takes about 7 seconds.  Sent to a 5.3.2-SNAPSHOT dev server
> with cold caches, it takes about 15 seconds -- because that server is
> particularly low on memory.  Once the query is cached, it takes 100
> milliseconds or less, even on the dev server.
> Checking one of the shard indexes with the schema browser, ip has 34
> unique terms, feature has 108 unique terms, collection has 824 unique
> terms, restr has 128 unique terms.  As expected, doc_date has about 12
> million unique terms for the shard.  It is a TrieDateField with a
> precisionStep of 16.  The rest of the shards have similar unique term
> counts.  The entire sharded index has 244 million documents in it - six
> shards with 40.6 million each and one shard with under 500K documents.
> I've been trying to figure out why this query is so slow.  I can't see
> anything obvious, but I did encounter something really weird in the
> debug output.
> This is the params section of the response -- as you can see, echoParams
> is set to all, and you can see the shards parameter defined in
> solrconfig.xml:
> This is the filter query info from the debug -- showing the same set of
> filters seven times, which I assume is because there are seven shards.
> I do not know if this is a debug glitch.  The response info here is from
> the dev server, but the production servers give the same info:
> Does anyone have thoughts about the repeated filter information in the
> debug output, or why it takes several seconds for this query to run?
> General performance on the production index is pretty good.  Over the
> last 9800 queries, the production server has a median qtime of 238ms and
> a 95th percentile of 3672ms.  The query rate is less than one per second.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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