On 12/28/2015 5:12 AM, abhi Abhishek wrote:
>    i am trying to determine stable version of SOLR 4. is there a blog which
> we can refer.. i understand we can read through Release Notes. I am
> interested in user reviews and challenges seen with various versions of
> SOLR 4.

Here's some information about Solr version numbers, with X.Y.Z providing
the legend:  X is the major version number.  Major versions are released
very infrequently.  Y tracks the minor version number.  Minor releases
are made quite frequently.  Z is incremented with bugfix releases.  Most
of the time, the third number in the version is zero.

Every release of Solr that you can download from the official mirror
network is built from a version control branch that is known as the
stable branch.  Currently that is branch_5x, at some point in the future
it will be branch_6x.

The goal of the stable branch is to always be in a state where a viable
release candidate could be created.  That's why it's called the stable
branch.  If all of the tests in the included test suite are passing,
that's a good sign that there are no major problems.  It's no guarantee,
just a good sign.

All releases have bugs, but unless those bugs are very nasty, they do
not get fixed until the next minor version.  When the bugs are
particularly bad, there might be a bugfix release.

It sounds like you're trying to decide which release you should use.
The answer to that question is usually very easy -- the latest version,
which is currently 5.4.0.  Right after a new release happens, the best
choice might be the newest bugfix release of the previous minor version.

The pace of development is very high in Solr.  Each new minor version
includes new features and enhancements.  The sum total of the
differences between 4.0 and 4.10 is greater than the difference between
4.10 and 5.0.

I would not recommend using a 4.x release at this time.  The 4.x line
went into maintenance mode ten months ago with the release of 5.0.  The
community is now focused on 5.x versions.  If you mention a problem with
a 4.x version now, the first thing you'll be told is that you need to
upgrade, because unless the bug you're experiencing is a showstopper
that affects a wide variety of users, it will not be fixed in 4.x.  If
it is a major bug that affects a large number of users, it will only be
fixed a version like 4.10.5 -- a bugfix release on the last minor 4.x


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