Hi Gili,
Visibility is related to searcher - if you reopen searcher it will be visible. If hard commit happens without reopening searcher, documents will not be visible till next soft commit happens. You can find more details about commits on https://lucidworks.com/blog/2013/08/23/understanding-transaction-logs-softcommit-and-commit-in-sorlcloud/


On 04.01.2016 11:14, Gili Nachum wrote:

When a new document is added, it becomes visible after a soft commit,
during which it is written to a Lucene RAMDirectory (in heap). Then after a
hard commit, the RAMDirectory is removed from memory and the docs are
written to the index on disk.
What happens if I hard commit (write to disk) with openSearcher=false.
Would I lose document visibility? since it's no longer in memory AND the
hard commit didn't open a new searcher on disk?

Does soft commit also re-opens Searchers over the index on disk?

Here's my commit configuration:

*    <openSearcher>false</openSearcher>*


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