
(btw, when is 5.5 due? I see the docs reference it, but not the download page)

Anyway, I index and query Solr over HTTP (no SolrJ, etc.) - is it best/good to get the CLUSTERSTATUS via the collection API and explicitly send queries to a replica to ensure I don't send queries to the leaders of my collection, to improve performance? Like-wise with sending updates directly to a Leader?

My leaders will receive full updates of the entire collection once a day, so I would assume if the leader is handling queries too, performance would be hit?

Is the CLUSTERSTATUS API the only way to do this btw without SolrJ, etc.? I wasn't sure if ZooKeeper would be able to tell me also.

Do I also need to do anything to ensure the leaders are never sent queries from the replica's?

Does this all sound sane?

One of my collections is 3 shards, with 2 replica's each (9 total nodes), 70m docs in total.


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