bq. There's no good reason to have 5 with a small cluster and by "small" I
mean < 100s of nodes.

Well, a good reason would be if you want your system to continue to operate
if 2 ZK nodes lose communication with the rest of the cluster or go down
completely. Just to be clear though, the ZK nodes definitely don't need to
be beefy machines compared to your Solr data nodes since they are just
doing light-weight orchestration. But yea, for a 2 data node system one
might be willing to go with a 3 node ensemble to tolerate a single ZK
node dying, just depends on how much cash you are willing to spend and
availability level you are looking for.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Erick Erickson <>

> Here's a longer form of Toke's answer:
> BTW, on the surface, having 5 ZK nodes isn't doing you any real good.
> Zookeeper isn't really involved in serving queries or handling
> updates, it's purpose is to have the state of the cluster (nodes up,
> recovering, down, etc) and notify Solr listeners when that state
> changes. There's no good reason to have 5 with a small cluster and by
> "small" I mean < 100s of nodes.
> Best,
> Erick
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:40 AM, Toke Eskildsen <>
> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2016-01-08 at 10:55 +0500, Zap Org wrote:
> >> i wanted to ask that i need to index after evey 15 min with hard commit
> >> (real time records) and currently have 5 zookeeper instances and 2 solr
> >> instances in one machine serving 200 users with 32GB RAM. whereas i
> wanted
> >> to serve more than 10,000 users so what should be my machine specs and
> what
> >> should be my architecture for this much serve rate along with index
> rate.
> >
> > It depends on your system and if we were forced to guess, our guess
> > would be very loose.
> >
> >
> > Fortunately you do have a running system with real queries: Make a copy
> > on two similar machines (you will probably need more hardware anyway)
> > and simulate growing traffic, measuring response times at appropriate
> > points: 200 users, 500, 1000, 2000 etc.
> >
> > If you are very lucky, your current system scales all the way. If not,
> > you should have enough data to make an educated guess of the amount of
> > machines you need. You should have at least 3 measuring point to
> > extrapolate from as scaling is not always linear.
> >
> > - Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark
> >
> >

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