

I've a couple of quick question about production setup. 


The first one is about virtualization, I'd like to know if there are any
official test on loss of performance in virtualization environment. I think
that the loss of performance is negligible, and quick question on test
infrastructure is confirming this, but I'd like to know if there is some
official numbers on this.


The second question is about Load Balancer: any clue on how to automatically
change the configuration on the load balancer if some of the node goes down?
I'm looking to advices on what to monitor, the simplest solution could be
issuing some test query and verify if the node is able to answer, but it
would be nice to know if there are some standard metrics to monitor to
proactively alert. (Es. Heap size almost full, so it would be probably
better to remove the node from the balancer and alert a human to have a look
at the status of the node).


Many thanks. 


Gian Maria Ricci
Cell: +39 320 0136949

<https://twitter.com/alkampfer>   <http://feeds.feedburner.com/AlkampferEng>


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