Are you trying to manipulate the query with a script, or just the response?
If it's the response you want to work with, I think your only options are
using Velocity templates or XSLT. For working with the query you'll either
have to make your own QueryParserPlugin or intercept the request before it
gets to Solr.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 6:22 PM, Vincenzo D'Amore <>

> Hi,
> looking at Solr documentation I found a pretty interesting processor which
> is able to execute scripting languages server side.
> As far as I understood, this is useful only during document update.
> I'm just curious to know if there is something else that I can use before
> or during the query execution.
> Best regards,
> Vincenzo
> --
> Vincenzo D'Amore
> email:
> skype:
> mobile: +39 349 8513251

Scott Stults | Founder & Solutions Architect | OpenSource Connections, LLC
| 434.409.2780

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