I'm out of the office now so I don't have the numbers to hand but from memory I 
think there are probably around 800-1000 fields or so. I will confirm on Monday.

If i have time over the weekend I will try and recreate the problem at home and 
see if I can post up a sample.
From: Yonik Seeley [ysee...@gmail.com]
Sent: 19 February 2016 16:25
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Slow commits

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Adam Neal [Extranet] <an...@mass.co.uk> wrote:
> I've recently upgraded from 4.10.2 to 5.3.1 and I've hit an issue with slow 
> commits on one of my cores. The core in question is relatively small (56k 
> docs) and the issue only shows when commiting after a number of deletes, 
> commiting after additions is fine. As an example commiting after deleting 
> approximately 10% of the documents takes around 25mins. The same test on the 
> 4.10.2 instance takes around 1 second.
> I have done some investigation and the problem appears to be caused by having 
> dynamic fields, the core in question has a large number, performing the same 
> operation on this core with the dynamic fields removed sees a big improvement 
> on the performance with the commit taking 11 seconds (still not quite on a 
> par with 4.10.2).

Dynamic fields is a Solr schema concept, and does not translate to any
differences in Lucene.
You may be hitting something due to a large number of fields (at the
lucene level, each field name is a different field).  How many
different fields (i.e. fieldnames) do you have across the entire



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