On 2/19/2016 3:08 AM, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
> The logic is somewhat this:
> SolrClient solrClient = new HttpSolrClient( coreUrl );
> while ( got more elements to index )
> {
>   batch = create 100 SolrInputDocuments
>   solrClient.add( batch )
>  }

How much data is going into each of those SolrInputDocument objects?

If the amount of data is very small (a few kilobytes), then this sounds
like your program has a memory leak.  Can you provide more code detail? 
Ideally, you would make the entire code available by placing it on the
Internet somewhere and providing a URL.  If there's anything sensitive
in the code, like passwords or public IP addresses, feel free to redact
it, but try not to remove anything that affects how the code operates.


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