On 29 February 2016 at 09:40,  <jimi.hulleg...@svensktnaringsliv.se> wrote:
> I have no problem with automatic. It is "automagicall" stuff that I find a 
> bit hard to like. Ie things that are automatic, but doesn't explain how and 
> why they are automatic. But Disney Land and Disney World are actually really 
> good examples of places where the magic stuff is suitable, ie in themeparks, 
> designed mostly for kids. In the grown up world of IT, most people prefer 
> logical and documented stuff, not things that "just works" without explaining 
> why. No offence :)

I agree. Especially after 3 years of technical support for a large
commercial product, I understand the price of 'automagical'. Solr does
have a bit of that. And latest 5.x Solr is even more automagical, so
when things work - it is fabulous. When they do not - it is a bit

My solution was to document the learning and creating the resource
site for others, which has been quite popular (
http://www.solr-start.com ).

I also wrote a book specifically for beginners bringing together
different parts of documentation to explain the automagical parts.
. It covered the latest (at the time) Solr 4.3. I no longer recommend
it to anybody on Solr 5, but you may still find it useful for Solr
4.6. Unfortunately, all my discount codes are no longer valid :-(

I am also working on some additional material both for beginners and
advanced users that will be announced on my Solr Start mailing list as
well as writing individual pieces on my blog (e.g.

In reality, automagical stuff is explained. Problem is that it is
explained on Wiki vs. Reference Guide vs. Individual blogs vs. Solr
Revolution videos vs. ....... The discovery of information is a
significant problem for Solr, just like it is for any open source

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