On Sun, 2016-03-06 at 08:26 -0700, Shawn Heisey wrote:
> On 3/5/2016 11:44 PM, YouPeng Yang wrote:
> >       We are using Solr Cloud 4.6 in our production for searching service
> > since 2 years ago.And now it has 700GB in one cluster which is  comprised
> > of 3 machines with ssd. At beginning ,everything go well,while more and
> > more business services interfered with our searching service .And a problem
> >  which we haunted with is just like a  nightmare . That is the cpu sys
> > usage is often growing up to  over 10% even higher, and as a result the
> > machine will hang down because system resources have be drained out.We have
> > to restart the machine manually.

> One of the most common reasons for performance issues with Solr is not
> having enough system memory to effectively cache the index. [...]

How does this relate to YouPeng reporting that the CPU usage increases?

This is not a snark. YouPeng mentions kernel issues. It might very well
be that IO is the real problem, but that it manifests in a non-intuitive
way. Before memory-mapping it was easy: Just look at IO-Wait. Now I am
not so sure. Can high kernel load (Sy% in *nix top) indicate that the IO
system is struggling, even if IO-Wait is low?

YouPeng: If you are on a *nix-system, can you call 'top' on a machine
and copy-paste the output somewhere we can see?

- Toke Eskildsen, State and University Library, Denmark

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