Re-posting.  Anyone has any idea about this question?  Thanks.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 5:15 PM, Steven White <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> In Solr's solr-8983-console.log I see the following (about 50 in a span of
> 24 hours when index is on going):
>     WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs:
> java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
> What does it mean?  Should I wary about it?
> What about this one:
>     118316292 [qtp114794915-39] ERROR org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore  [
> test_idx] ? java.lang.IllegalStateException: file: 
> MMapDirectory@/b/vin291f1/vol/vin291f1v3/idx/solr_index/test/data/index
> appears
> both in delegate and in cache: cache=[_2omj.fnm, _2omg_Lucene50_0.doc,
> ........ _2omg.nvm],delegate=[write.lock,, ........ segments_2b]
>         at
> What does it mean?
> I _think_ the error log is due to the NAS drive being disconnected before
> shutting down Solr, but I need a Solr expect to confirm.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find anything in solr.log files regarding this
> because those files have rotated.
> Thanks in advanced.
> Steve

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