Hi Pradeep,

Are you seeing an error when it doesn't work?  I believe a shape
overlapping itself will cause an error from JTS.  If you do see that, then
you can ask Spatial4j (used by Lucene/Solr) to attempt to deal with it in a
number of ways.  See "validationRule":
Probably try validationRule="repairBuffer0".

If it still doesn't work (and if you can't use what I say next), I
suggesting debugging this at the JTS level.  You might then wind up
submitting a question to the JTS list.

Spatial4j extends the WKT syntax with a BUFFER() syntax which is possibly
easier/better than your approach of manually building up the buffered path
with your own code to produce a large polygon to send to Solr.  You would
do something like BUFFER(LINESTRING(.......),0.001) whereas "10" is the
distance in degrees if you have geo="true", otherwise whatever units your
data was put in.  You can use that with or without JTS since Spatial4j has
a native BufferedLineString shape.  But FYI it doesn't support geo="true"
very well (i.e. working in degrees); the buffer will be skewed very much
away from the equator.  So you could set geo="false" and supply, say,
web-mercator bounding box and work in that Euclidean/2D projected space.

Another FYI, Lucene has a "Geo3d" package within the Spatial3d module that
has a native implementation of a buffered LineString as well, one that
works on the surface of the earth.  It hasn't yet been hooked into
Spatial4j, after which Solr would need no changes.  There's a user "Chris"
who is working on that; it's filed here:

Good luck.

~ David

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 2:45 PM Pradeep Chandra <
pradeepchandra....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sir,
> I want to draw a polyline along the route given by google maps (from one
> place to another place).
> I applied the logic of calculating parallel lines between the two markers
> on the route on both sides of the route. Because of the non-linear nature
> of the route. In some cases the polyline is overlapping.
> Finally what I am willing to do is by drawing that polyline along the
> route. I will give that polygon go Solr in order to get the results within
> the polygon. But where the problem I am getting is because of the
> overlapping nature of polyline, the Solr is not taking that shape.
> Can u suggest me a logic to draw a polyline along the route / Let me know
> is there any type to fetch the data with that type of polyline also in Sorl.
> I construct a polygon with 300 points. But for that solr is not giving any
> result..Where as it is giving for results for polygon having points of <
> 200...Can u tell me about the max no.of points to construct a polygon using
> solr...Or it is restricted to that many points in solr.
> I am sending some images of my final desired one & my applied one. Please
> find those attachments.
> Thanks and Regards
> M Pradeep Chandra
Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/davidwsmiley | Book:

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