
I am facing an issue which I believe has something to do with recent
changes in Solr. I already have a collection spread on 2 shards (each with
2 replicas).  What happened is that my Solr and Zookeeper ensemble went
down and I restarted the servers. I have performed the following steps

1) I restarted the machine and performed Windows update
2) I started Zookeeper ensemble
3) Then I started Solr instances

My issues are (for collections which existed before starting Solr servers)

1) From time to time, I see some replicas are down on Solr dashboard
2) When I try to index some documents, I faced the following exception

SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException was unhandled by user code


  Message=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<lst name="responseHeader"><int name="status">500</int><int
name="QTime">1021</int></lst><lst name="error"><str
name="msg">{msg=SolrCore '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1' is not available
due to init failure: Index locked for write for core
'[myCollection]_shard1_replica1'. Solr now longer supports forceful
unlocking via 'unlockOnStartup'. Please verify locks
manually!,trace=org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: SolrCore
'[myCollection]_shard1_replica1' is not available due to init failure:
Index locked for write for core '[myCollection]_shard1_replica1'. Solr now
longer supports forceful unlocking via 'unlockOnStartup'. Please verify
locks manually!??

I have tried several steps including

1) I have removed write.lock file manually from the folders while Solr is
up and I have tried reloading the core while the Solr is up as well but
nothing changed (still some replicas are down)
2) I have restarted Solr instances but now all replicas are down :)

Any idea how to handle this issue?

Appreciate your comments/feedback.


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