Have you looked in External file field which is reload on every hard commit,
only disadvantage of this is the file (personal-words.txt) has to be placed
in all data folders in each solr core,
for which we have a bash script to do this job.

Ignore this if this does not meets your requirement.


On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 1:21 PM, Chris Hostetter <>

> :
> : <lib dir="/home/bridge/Workspaces/search-webapp/target/WEB-INF/lib/"
> : regex=".*\.jar" />
> 1) as a general rule, if you have a <lib/> delcaration which includes
> "WEB-INF" you are probably doing something wrong.
> Maybe not in this case -- maybe "search-webapp/target" is a completley
> distinct java application and you are just re-using it's jars.  But 9
> times out of 10, when people have a  WEB-INF path they are trying to load
> jars from, it's because they *first* added their jars to Solr's WEB_INF
> directory, and then when that didn't work they added the path to the
> WEB-INF dir as a <lib/> ... but now you've got those classes being loaded
> twice, and you've multiplied all of your problems.
> 2) let's ignore the fact that your path has WEB-INF in it, and just
> assume it's some path to somewhere where on disk that has nothing to
> do with solr, and you want to load those jars.
> great -- solr will do that for you, and all of those classes will be
> available to plugins.
> Now if you wnat to explicitly do something classloader related, you do
> *not* want to be using Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() ...
> because the threads that execute everything in Solr are a pool of worker
> threads that is created before solr ever has a chance to parse your <lib
> /> directive.
> You want to ensure anything you do related to a Classloader uses the
> ClassLoader Solr sets up for plugins -- that's available from the
> SolrResourceLoader.
> You can always get the SolrResourceLoader via
> SolrCore.getSolrResourceLoader().  from there you can getClassLoader() if
> you really need some hairy custom stuff -- or if you are just trying to
> load a simple resource file as an InputStream, use openResource(String
> name) ... that will start by checking for it in the conf dir, and will
> fallback to your jar -- so you can have a default resource file shipped
> with your plugin, but allow users to override it in their collection
> configs.
> -Hoss

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