Addendum: Apparently the code works fine with HttpSolrClient, but not with
EmbeddedSolrServer (used in our tests).The most recent version I tested
this was 5.5.0

Georg Sorst <> schrieb am So., 10. Apr. 2016 um
01:49 Uhr:

> Hi,
> how can you set Config API values from SolrJ? Does anyone have an example
> for this?
> Here's what I'm currently trying:
> /* Build the structure for the request */
> Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
>   put("key", "value");
> }};
> final NamedList<Object> requestParameters = new NamedList<>();
> requestParameters.add("set-user-property", parameters);
> /* Build the JSON */
> CharArr json = new CharArr();
> new SchemaRequestJSONWriter(json).write(requestParameters);
> ContentStreamBase.StringStream stringStream = new
> ContentStreamBase.StringStream(json.toString());
> Collection<ContentStream> contentStreams = Collections.<ContentStream>
> singletonList(stringStream);
> /* Send the request */
> GenericSolrRequest request = new
> GenericSolrRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, "/config/overlay", null);
> request.setContentStreams(contentStreams);
> SimpleSolrResponse response = request.process(new HttpSolrClient("
> http://localhost:8983/solr/test";));
> The JSON is looking good, but it's doing... nothing. The response just
> contains the default config-overlay contents (znodeVersion). Any idea why?
> Thanks!
> Georg
> --
> *Georg M. Sorst I CTO*
> Jakob-Haringer-Str. 5a | 5020 Salzburg I T.: +43 662 456708
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