Hi guys,

How can I set the defaultOperator to be AND?
If I add the following line to the schema.xml, even if I do a search 'title:"test" OR author:"me"', it will returns documents matching 'title:"test" AND author:"me"':
<solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>

solr version: 6.0

I know that I can overwrite the query with q.op, but this is not that convenient... I would need to write a complex query for a simple search '(a:x AND b:y) OR c:z'

Kind regards,
Bastien Latard
Web engineer
Postfach, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland
Office: Klybeckstrasse 64, CH-4057
Tel. +41 61 683 77 35
Fax: +41 61 302 89 18

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