I should add that this is on Solr 5.1.0.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 2:42 PM, Mike Wartes <zik...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a three node, one shard SolrCloud cluster.
> Last week one of the nodes went out of sync with the other two and I'm
> trying to understand why that happened.
> After poking through my logs and the solr code here's what I've pieced
> together:
> 1. Leader gets an update request for a batch delete of 306 items. It sends
> this update along to Replica A and Replica B.
> 2. On Replica A all is well. It receives the update request and logs that
> 306 documents were deleted.
> 3. Replica B also receives the update request but at some point during the
> request something kills the connection. Leader logs a "connection reset"
> socket error. Replica B doesn't have any errors but it does log that it
> only deleted 95 documents as a result of the update call.
> 4. Because of the socket error, Leader starts leader-initiated-recovery
> for Replica B. It sets Replica B to the "down" state in ZK.
> 5. Replica B gets the leader-initiated-recovery request, updates its ZK
> state to "recovering", and starts the PeerSync process.
> 6. Replica B's PeerSync reports that it has gotten "100 versions" from the
> leader but then declares that "Our versions are newer" and finishes
> successfully.
> 7. Replica B puts itself back in the active state, but it is now out of
> sync with the Leader and Replica A. It is left with 211 documents in it
> that should have been deleted.
> I am curious if anyone has any thoughts on why Replica B failed to detect
> that it was behind the leader in this scenario.
> I'm not really clear on how the update version numbers are assigned, but
> is it possible that the 95 documents that did make it to Replica B had a
> later version number than the 211 that didn't? I don't have perfect
> understanding of the PeerSync code but looking through it, in particular at
> the logic that prints the "Our versions are newer" message, it seems like
> if 95 of the 100 documents fetched from the leader during PeerSync did
> match what the replica already has it might declare itself up-to-date
> without looking at the last few.

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