Well, that just happened! Solr and Zookeeper machines faced a forced
restart to install Windows Updates. This caused Zookeeper ensemble and Solr
instances to go down. When the machines came back up again. I tried the

1) Started Zookeeper on all machines using the following command
zkServer.cmd (on all three machines)

2) Started Solr on two of those machines using

solr.cmd start -c -p 8983 -h [server1_name] -z
solr.cmd start -c -p 8983 -h [server2_name] -z
solr.cmd start -c -p 7574 -h [server1_name] -z
solr.cmd start -c -p 7574 -h [server2_name] -z

After several trials, it did start the solr on both machines but *non of
the previous collections came back normally.* When I look at the admin
page, it shows errors as follows

Index locked for write for core '[Collection_name]_shard2_replica2'. Solr
now longer supports forceful unlocking via 'unlockOnStartup'. Please verify
locks manually!

So probably I am doing something wrong or the simple scenario is not
straight forward to recover from.

Your comment/feedback is appreciated.


On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 3:56 PM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 4/7/2016 5:40 AM, Salman Ansari wrote:
> > Any comments regarding the issue I mentioned above "the proper procedure
> of
> > bringing old collections up after a restart of zookeeper ensemble and
> Solr
> > instances"?
> What precisely do you mean by "old collections"?  The simplest
> interpretation of that is that you are trying to restart your servers
> and have everything you already had in the cloud work properly.  An
> alternate interpretation, which might be just as valid, is that you have
> some collections on some old servers that you want to incorporate into a
> new cloud.
> If it's the simple scenario: shut down solr, shut down zookeeper, start
> zookeeper, start solr.  If it's the other scenario, that is not quite so
> simple.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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