I think you are approaching the problem all wrong. This seems, what is
described as an x-y problem (https://people.apache.org/~hossman/#xyproblem).
Can you tell us more about :
* What's your setup like? SolrCloud - Version, number of shards, is there
any custom code, etc.
* Did you start seeing this more recently? If so, what did you change?

To already answer your question, there is no way in SolrCloud to disable or
remove the concept of 'leaders'. However, there would be other ways to fix
your setup, and get rid of the issues you are facing once you share more

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Li Ding <li.d...@bloomreach.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have an unique scenario where we don't need leaders in every collection
> to recover from failures.  The indexing never changes.  But we have faced
> problems where either zk marked a core as down while the core is fine in
> non-distributed query or during restart, the core never comes up.  My
> question is that is there any simple way to disable those leaders and
> leaders election in SolrCloud,  We do use multi-shard and distributed
> queries.  But with our unique situation, we don't need leaders to maintain
> the correct status of the index.  So if we can get rid of that part, our
> solr restart will be more robust.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Li

Anshum Gupta

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