Hi list,

how do I correctly enable JMX in Solr 6 so that I can monitor Jetty's
thread pool?

The first step is to set ENABLE_REMOTE_JMX_OPTS="true" in bin/solr.in.sh.
This will give me JMX access to JVM properties (garbage collection, class
loading etc.) and works fine. However, this will not give me any Jetty
specific properties.

I've tried manually adding jetty-jmx.xml from the jetty 9 distribution to
server/etc/ and then starting Solr with 'java ... start.jar
etc/jetty-jmx.xml'. This works fine and gives me access to the right
properties, but seems wrong. I could similarly copy the contents of
jetty-jmx.xml into jetty.xml but this is not much better either.

Is there a correct way for this?


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