this gives expected result:

     SELECT title_s, COUNT(*) as cnt
        FROM movielens
     WHERE genre_ss='action' AND rating_i='[4 TO 5]'
GROUP BY title_s
ORDER BY cnt desc
         LIMIT 5

but using >= 4 doesn't give same results (my ratings are 1-5):

      SELECT title_s, COUNT(*) as cnt
         FROM movielens
      WHERE genre_ss='action' AND rating_i >= 4
GROUP BY title_s
ORDER BY cnt desc
          LIMIT 5

on the Solr side, I see queries forumlated as:

2016-05-21 14:53:43.096 INFO  (qtp1435804085-1419) [c:movielens
s:shard1 r:core_node1 x:movielens_shard1_replica1] o.a.s.c.S.Request
[movielens_shard1_replica1]  webapp=/solr path=/export
hits=2044 status=0 QTime=0

which is obviously wrong ... known issue or should I open a JIRA?

In general, rather than crafting an incorrect query that gives the
wrong results, we should throw an exception stating that the syntax is
not supported.

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