On 6/3/2016 7:54 AM, Markus Jelsma wrote:
> Just now i indexed ~15k doc to a newly made core and shema, running
> 6.0 local this time. It was just regular indexing, nothing fancy and
> very small documents. Then the following popped up in the logs:
> 2496200 WARN (qtp97730845-17) [ x:documents]
> o.a.s.u.p.AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger Unknown operation for the an
> atomic update, operation ignored: 3932885930

This happens when you add a document where the value of a field is a
key/value construct, but isn't actually an atomic update.  In JSON, this
is represented with curly braces.  In Java, it is a Map object.  This
kind of construct is only used for Atomic Updates -- the key must be one
of the atomic operations: set, add, delete, inc.  The warning message
that I quoted indicates that the the key in the key/value construct for
that document was 3932885930.

If you are using SolrJ, then the value of one or more fields is being
set to a Map object, which isn't right unless you intend to do an Atomic
Update.  If you are using JSON formatted updates, there are probably
curly braces where they don't belong.


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