
we are experiencing problems on our live system, we use a single Solr server with 7 live cores and as soon as there is some traffic on the website (Solr is used for filtering a Ecommerce Site with filters on category lists and of course for searching), all available CPUs (no matter how many we assign to the Solr node) go up to 100% and never go down again.

I've stared on many thread dumps etc. over the last days and every time, the most time consuming thread (which seems to "hang up" forever) is Lucene's LeapFrogScorer.advanceToNextDoc() method. Here is a profiler snapshop when the CPU is at 100%:

We are still on Solr 4.8. since we have some plugins extending the JoinQParser so that we can join child docs to parent docs to handle product variants in the shop. Therefore we also have our own DirectUpdateHandler plugin for indexing the documents so that always stacks of a parent doc and its variants/childs are added in a block.

May that changed indexing cause the LeapFrogScorer to get a problem with calculating scores? Or does anybody have an idea what else might be causing this?

Unfortunately it only happens on the live system, I can't reproduce it on my local test system, altough I am emulating some example requests with a JMeter setup...

Thanks for any hints!!

Best regards,


Stefan Moises
Manager Research & Development
shoptimax GmbH
Ulmenstraße 52 H
90443 Nürnberg
Tel.: 0911/25566-0
Fax: 0911/25566-29

Geschäftsführung: Friedrich Schreieck
Ust.-IdNr.: DE 814340642
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB 21703

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