Thanks Shawn for your insight!

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 7/22/2016 12:41 AM, Shyam R wrote:
> > I see that SOLR returns status value as 0 for successful searches
> > org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore; [users_shadow_shard1_replica1]
> > webapp=/solr path=/user/ping params={} status=0 QTime=0 I do see that
> > the status come's back as 400 whenever the search is invalid (
> > invoking query with parameters that are not available in the target
> > collection ) What are the legitimate values of status and reason for
> > choosing 0?
> Solr (Jetty, really) sends back "200" for the HTTP status code when the
> request status is zero.
> The reason Solr uses a status of zero internally has its origins in the
> way most operating systems deal with program exit codes.  Almost
> universally, when a program exits with an exit code of 0, it tells the
> operating system that the exit was normal, no errors.  Any positive
> number indicates some kind of error.  The reason this is not reversed is
> simple -- unlike HTTP, which has multiple codes meaning success,
> operating systems must handle many different error codes, but only one
> success code.  So the success code is assigned to the number that's
> inherently different from the rest -- zero.
> Internally, Solr doesn't necessarily know that the response is going to
> use HTTP, although that is the most common method.  In the mind of a
> typical open source developer, an exit status of ANY positive number
> means there was an error, including 200.  Once control is handed off to
> Jetty, then the zero success status is translated to the most-used
> success code for HTTP.
> Any number could *potentially* be valid for the status in Solr logs, but
> I've only ever seen zero, 40x, and 50x.  The 40x series means there was
> a problem detected in the request, 50x means an error happened inside
> Solr itself after the request was determined to be good.  The ping
> handler will return a 503 statusif the health check is put into a
> disabledstate.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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