I would call this a bug...

I'm going out on a limb and say that if you define a field in the included
XML file, you will get this error.

As long as the field is defined first in schema.xml, you can "copyFIeld" it
or whatever in the include file, but apparently fields MUST be created in
the schema.xml file.

That makes use of the include for custom things somewhat moot - at least in
my situation.

I'd love to be wrong by the way, but that's what my tests suggest right

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 1:37 PM, John Bickerstaff <j...@johnbickerstaff.com>

> Summary:
> Using xinclude to include an xml file into schema.xml
> The following line
> <copyField source="content" dest="text"/>
> generates an error:  about a field being "not a glob and not matching an
> explicit field" even though I declare the field in the line just above.
> This seems to happen only for for fieldType text_general?
> ============
> Explanation:
> I need a little help - keep getting an error when trying to use the
> ability to include an additional XML file.  I may be overlooking something,
> but if so, I need help to see it.
> I have the following two lines which throw zero errors when part of
> schema.xml:
> <field name="content" type="text_general" indexed="false" stored="true"
> multiValued="true"/>
>  <copyField source="content" dest="text"/>
> However, when I put this into an include file and use xinclude, then I get
> this error when starting Solr.
>    - *statdx_shard1_replica3:* org.apache.solr.common.
>    SolrException:org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Could not load
>    conf for core statdx_shard1_replica3: Can't load schema schema.xml:
>    copyField source :'content' is not a glob and doesn't match any explicit
>    field or dynamicField.
> Given that I am defining the field in the line right above the copyField
> statement, I'm confused about why this works fine in schema.xml but NOT in
> an included file.
> I experimented and found that any field of type "text_general" will throw
> this same error if it is part of the included xml file.  Other fieldTypes
> that I tried (string, int, double) did not have this issue.
> I'm using Solr 5.4, although I'm pulling custom config into an included
> file for purposes of moving to 6.1
> I have the following list of copyField commands in the included xml file,
> and get no errors on any but the "content" one.  It just so happens that
> "content" is the only field of type "text_general" in there.
> Any hints greatly appreciated.
>   <copyField source="title" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="author" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="description" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="keywords" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="content" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="content_type" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="resourcename" dest="text"/>
>    <copyField source="url" dest="text"/>

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