Hi, I work on a python Solr Client
<http://solrclient.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> library and there is a
reindexing helper module that you can use if you are on Solr 4.9+. I use it
all the time and I think it works pretty well. You can re-index all
documents from a collection into another collection or dump them to the
filesystem as JSON. It also supports parallel execution and can run
independently on each shard. There is also a way to resume if your job
craps out half way through if your existing schema is set up with a good
date field and unique id.

You can read the documentation here:

Code is pretty short and is here:

Here is sample:
from SolrClient import SolrClient
from SolrClient.helpers import Reindexer

r = Reindexer(SolrClient('http://source_solr:8983/solr'), SolrClient('
http://destination_solr:8983/solr') , source_coll='source_collection',

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> wrote:

> On 8/9/2016 1:48 AM, bharath.mvkumar wrote:
> > What would be the best way to re-index the data in the SOLR cloud? We
> > have around 65 million data and we are planning to change the schema
> > by changing the unique key type from long to string. How long does it
> > take to re-index 65 million documents in SOLR and can you please
> > suggest how to do that?
> There is no magic bullet.  And there's no way for anybody but you to
> determine how long it's going to take.  There are people who have
> achieved over 50K inserts per second, and others who have difficulty
> reaching 1000 per second.  Many factors affect indexing speed, including
> the size of your documents, the complexity of your analysis, the
> capabilities of your hardware, and how many threads/processes you are
> using at the same time when you index.
> Here's some more detailed info about reindexing, but it's probably not
> what you wanted to hear:
> https://wiki.apache.org/solr/HowToReindex
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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