You'll want to use org.apache.lucene.index.DocValues. The DocValues api has
replaced the field cache.

Joel Bernstein

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 8:18 PM, Roman Chyla <> wrote:

> I need to read data from the index in order to build a special cache.
> Previously, in SOLR4, this was accomplished with FieldCache or
> DocTermOrds
> Now, I'm struggling to see what API to use, there is many of them:
> on lucene level:
> UninvertingReader.getNumericDocValues (and others)
> <IndexReader>.getNumericValues()
> MultiDocValues.getNumericValues()
> MultiFields.getTerms()
> on solr level:
> reader.getNumericValues()
> UninvertingReader.getNumericDocValues()
> and extensions to FilterLeafReader - eg. very intersting, but
> undocumented facet accumulators (ex: NumericAcc)
> I need this for solr, and ideally re-use the existing cache [ie. the
> special cache is using another fields so those get loaded only once
> and reused in the old solr; which is a win-win situation]
> If I use reader.getValues() or FilterLeafReader will I be reading data
> every time the object is created? What would be the best way to read
> data only once?
> Thanks,
> --roman

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