Hi Bast, 

Good to know you got it to work - thanks for letting us know!


> On Sep 2, 2016, at 4:30 AM, Bastien Latard | MDPI AG 
> <lat...@mdpi.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Thanks Steve for your advice (i.e.: upgrade to Solr 6.2).
> I finally had time to upgrade and can now use "&q.op=AND" together with "&q=a 
> OR b" and this works as expected.
> I even defined the following line in the defaults settings in the 
> requestHandler, to overwrite the default behavior:
> <str name="q.op">AND</str>
> Issue fixed :)
> Kind regards,
> Bast
> On 05/08/2016 14:57, Bastien Latard | MDPI AG wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> I read the thread you sent me (SOLR-8812) and it seems that the 6.1 includes 
>> this fix, as you said.
>> I will upgrade.
>> Thank you!
>> Kind regards,
>> Bast
>> On 05/08/2016 14:37, Steve Rowe wrote:
>>> Hi Bastien,
>>> Have you tried upgrading to 6.1?  SOLR-8812, mentioned earlier in the 
>>> thread, was released with 6.1, and is directly aimed at fixing the problem 
>>> you are having in 6.0 (also a problem in 5.5): when mm is not explicitly 
>>> provided and the query contains explicit operators (except for AND), 
>>> edismax now sets mm=0.
>>> -- 
>>> Steve
>>> www.lucidworks.com
>>>> On Aug 5, 2016, at 2:34 AM, Bastien Latard | MDPI AG 
>>>> <lat...@mdpi.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric & others,
>>>> Is there any way to overwrite the default OP when we use edismax?
>>>> Because adding the following line to solrconfig.xml doesn't solve the 
>>>> problem:
>>>> <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>
>>>> (Then if I do "q=black OR white", this always gives the results for "black 
>>>> AND white")
>>>> I did not find a way to define a default OP, which is automatically 
>>>> overwritten by the AND/OR from a query.
>>>> Example - Debug: defaultOP in solrconfig = AND / q=a or b
>>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>> ==> results for black AND white
>>>> The correct result should be the following (but I had to force the q.op):
>>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>> ==> I cannot do this in case I want to do "(a AND b) OR c"...
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Bastien
>>>> On 27/04/2016 05:30, Erick Erickson wrote:
>>>>> Defaulting to "OR" has been the behavior since forever, so changing the 
>>>>> behavior now is just not going to happen. Making it fit a new version of 
>>>>> "correct" will change the behavior for every application out there that 
>>>>> has not specified the default behavior.
>>>>> There's no a-priori reason to expect "more words to equal fewer docs", I 
>>>>> can just as easily argue that "more words should return more docs". Which 
>>>>> you expect depends on your mental model.
>>>>> And providing the default op in your solrconfig.xml request handlers 
>>>>> allows you to implement whatever model your application chooses...
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Erick
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:32 PM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG 
>>>>> <lat...@mdpi.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you Shawn, Jan and Georg for your answers.
>>>>> Yes, it seems that if I simply remove the defaultOperator it works well 
>>>>> for "composed queries" like '(a:x AND b:y) OR c:z'.
>>>>> But I think that the default Operator should/could be the AND.
>>>>> Because when I add an extra search word, I expect that the results get 
>>>>> more accurate...
>>>>> (It seems to be what google is also doing now)
>>>>>    |       |
>>>>> Otherwise, if you make a search and apply another filter (e.g.: sort by 
>>>>> publication date, facets, ...) , user can get the less relevant item 
>>>>> (only 1 word in 4 matches) in first position only because of its date...
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Bastien
>>>>> On 25/04/2016 14:53, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>>>>>> On 4/25/2016 6:39 AM, Bastien Latard - MDPI AG wrote:
>>>>>>> Remember:
>>>>>>> If I add the following line to the schema.xml, even if I do a search
>>>>>>> 'title:"test" OR author:"me"', it will returns documents matching
>>>>>>> 'title:"test" AND author:"me"':
>>>>>>> <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>
>>>>>> The settings in the schema for default field and default operator were
>>>>>> deprecated a long time ago.  I actually have no idea whether they are
>>>>>> even supported in newer Solr versions.
>>>>>> The q.op parameter controls the default operator, and the df parameter
>>>>>> controls the default field.  These can be set in the request handler
>>>>>> definition in solrconfig.xml -- usually in "defaults" but there might be
>>>>>> reason to put them in "invariants" instead.
>>>>>> If you're using edismax, you'd be better off using the mm parameter
>>>>>> rather than the q.op parameter.  The behavior you have described above
>>>>>> sounds like a change in behavior (some call it a bug) introduced in the
>>>>>> 5.5 version:
>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8812
>>>>>> If you are using edismax, I suspect that if you set mm=100% instead of
>>>>>> q.op=AND (or the schema default operator) that the problem might go away
>>>>>> ... but I am not sure.  Someone who is more familiar with SOLR-8812
>>>>>> probably should comment.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Shawn

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