
EdgeNGram and Wildcard may be used to achieve the same goal: prefix search or 
starts with search.

Lets say, wildcard enumerates the whole inverted index, thus it may get slower 
for very large databases.
With this one no index time manipulation is required.

EdgeNGram does its magic at index time, indexes a lot of tokens, all possible 
Index size gets bigger, query time no wildcard operator required in this one.


On Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:35 PM, Sandeep Khanzode 
<sandeep_khanz...@yahoo.com.INVALID> wrote:
There are quite a few links that detail the difference between StrField and 
TextField. Also links that explain that, even though the field is indexed, it 
is not tokenized and stored as a single keyword, as can be verified by the 
debug analysis on Solr admin and CURL debugQuery options.
What I am unable to understand is how a wildcard works on StrFields? For 
example, if the name is "John Doe" and I search for "John*", I get that match. 
Which means, that somewhere deep within, maybe a Trie or Dictionary 
representation exists that allows this search with a partial string.
I would have assumed that wildcard would match on TextFields which allow 
(Edge)NGramFilters, etc.  -- SRK 

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