
We have two Systems running in different Datacenters. The second system is a 
failover system with about one hour difference in Data what is OK for us.

Until Solr 5.5.3 we used a hack with the „replication/snapshot“-Tool to copy 
the indizes over and it worked quite well. A few days ago we upgraded our 
staging-system to Solr 6.2.0 and wanted to try the new collections 
backup/restore tool.

First I tried to backup an index with about 50MByte and restored it multiple 
times to another solr-system with success. Now I took a copy of the Live-System 
(about 350MB) and failed.

I run the Backup with:


and wanted to restore it the other system after copying the files via tgz to 
the same directory structure with:


I pasted a copy of the Error here:

I already tried to get help in the IRC-Channel, but elyograg mentioned I have 
to post this at the mailing list, hoping you could give me a clue what I am 
doing wrong.

All systems are running with:
- Solr 6.2.0
- Zookeeper 3.4.9
- java version „1.8.0_101"
- 16 GB RAM

Thanks for your help in advance.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Georg Bottenhofer

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