Hi list,

I am trying spatial search in SOLR 5.0 and I don't know how to implement a solution for the problem I will try to explain.

On a SOLR server I have indexed a collection of objects that contains spacial field :

<field name="geo" type="location_rpt" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" /> <fieldType name="location_rpt" class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"
               distanceUnits="degrees" />

The spatial data indexed in the field named "geo" can be ENVELOPE or LINESTRING :

<field name="geo">LINESTRING(-4.6837 48.5792, -4.6835 48.5788, -4.684 48.5788, -4.6832 48.579, -4.6837 48.5792, -4.6188 48.6265, -4.6122 48.63, -4.615 48.6258, -4.6125 48.6215, -4.6112 48.6218)</field>


<field name="geo">ENVELOPE(-5.0, -4.0, 49.0, 48.0)</field>

Actually in my application, when I do a SOLR request to get objects that are in a spatial area, I do something like this :

q=:&fq=(geo:"Intersects(ENVELOPE(-116.894531, 107.402344, 57.433227, -42.146973))")

But I want to change how it work. Now, when the geo field contain an ENVELOPE I want to do an CONTAINS request and when it contain a LINESTRING I want to do an INTERSECTS request.

example :

If geo = ENVELOPE then q=*:*&fq=(geo:"Contains(ENVELOPE(-116.894531, 107.402344, 57.433227, -42.146973))")

If geo = LINESTRING then q=*:*&fq=(geo:"Intersects(ENVELOPE(-116.894531, 107.402344, 57.433227, -42.146973))")

How can my application know if the field contain ENVELOPE or LINESTRING ?

Any idea can this be done ?

Best reguards,

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